Ongoing archiving
If you have items related to London folk clubs you wish to donate to the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library (VWML), even after the official end date of the Sweet Thames Project, the team there would love to speak to you. It is best if you contact them first, either by email or phone (details below), so that they can get a sense of how much you have and plan a suitable time for you to take it in.
Accessing materials from the project
If you would like to access oral history recordings, transcripts, photographs or other items from the Sweet Thames project after its end-date, it is best to contact the VWML directly. The library is open to the public and they will endeavour to help everyone who turns up, with or without an appointment, but if you let them know when you plan to visit it helps them to make sure that someone is ready for you. They can fetch and set up materials before you arrive.
Email or call on 0207 241 8950.
The VWML is open Tuesday to Friday 10am – 5pm, and on the first and third Saturdays of the month 10.30am – 4pm.
Image: Staff at the VWML by Sam Carroll.