These two interactive workshops will run in the Committee Room, Cecil Sharp House, 6-9pm on Thursday 17th November and Thursday 24th November 2022.
Get involved in the Sweet Thames project and register now to join our wonderful volunteer team for these workshops. Places are limited. Please book your place here.
In these workshops we will be using information uncovered by volunteer researchers during the first phase of the Sweet Thames project. Between July and October, our volunteers have interviewed twenty-five important and influential people associated with London Folk Clubs since their origins and undertaken archival research at the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.
The first session will be around best practice, what to include and how. The second will be more of an active workshop on curating the project exhibition. This will be a fun and participatory investigation into what has emerged from the project so far, aiming at presenting our findings in an informative and inclusive way. Everyone over the age of sixteen is welcome to join us to collaboratively create an exhibition out of our collected archival resources and oral histories.
These workshops are free and refreshments will be provided. Travel expenses from in and around London can be claimed for, if receipts are provided.
The exhibition launch will take place on the 11th February 2023 in the afternoon at Cecil Sharp House. All participants will be invited to attend this event along with interviewees and other Sweet Thames team members.
Access to Cecil Sharp House
Cecil Sharp House has step-free access to all floors via a lift. The lift can be accessed from the car park on the Gloucester Avenue gate side of the building.
Please note there is no ‘level access’ in or out of the building and so if you think you may need help evacuating in an emergency please do get in touch with us or with Cecil Sharp House directly at to discuss what support you may need. For more information about access visit:

Main image: The Troubadour 1963 by Alison Chapman McLean (Nigel Denver, Martin Carthy, Bob Davenport, Alex Campbell)